

U.S.A. - Why Memorial Day is Held in Reverence Explained for All to Easily Understand

Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery

Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Joliet, Illinois

By Dr. James M. Davis

Ode To Memorial Day

Our country holds this day in reverence for good reason
Our Veterans fight, survive, pass, and decry treason
My people, your people, we are one nation under God
My friends, your friends, we are blessed by God

Our families sacrifice, grieve, and shed tears
Our Veterans, bold, courageous, and have no fears
My family celebrates with reflective ponder
My friends enjoy this day with splendid wonder

Our American eagle flies with majesty and grace
Our people cherish each and every Veterans face
My family served in a number of wars for freedom
Your family served to preserve liberty and peace

Old glory waves high in the wind with great pride
Our military brave and true, walking tall in stride
My family grills burgers, dogs and bratwurst
Your family enjoys memories while quenching thirst

Our color our flag red, white, and blue
Our service men and women, much respect due
My family, my God, our country indeed
Your family, your faith, our nation in need

Let freedom ring from sea to shining sea
The freedom provided to you and me
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave
Remember the fallen with much pride and rave

Memorial Day is about respect and honor
Let us never forget those who served
Memorial Day is a patriots day to behold
Let us always remember those we can no longer hold


Dr. James M. Davis Soar

Dr. James M. Davis

Clay County, Kentucky native Dr. James M. Davis is a Professor of Psychology at Eastern Kentucky University Manchester Campus and the Principal of the Center for Innovation (CFI) in London.


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