
Carrie Marie Shepherd

Kentucky Woman's "Untimely Death" Gives Life to Others

MANCHESTER, KY (June 2, 2021) - Carrie Marie Shepherd always gave generously of her time and worldly goods during life. Now, she has given life to others through her untimely death.

Born on Thursday, August 21, 1975 in London, Kentucky to Nicky and René Morris Shepherd, Carrie Marie Shepherd, age 45 departed this life on Saturday, May 22, 2021 at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky.

Carrie was the loving mother of four children, Anne Marie, Paige, Olivia, and Micah, three of which are minors.


Carrie her children

Carrie and her minor children Micah, Olivia and Paige

Carrie Children 175

She had insured that others might live after her death by making arrangements to be an organ donor.

Carrie’s organ donations were completed successfully with no issues at approximately 4:30 AM on May 22, 2021, at the UK Chandler Medical Center in Lexington, Kentucky.

GoFundMe account has been created at "Donations for Carrie Shepherd’s Minor Children" so that a trust fund can be setup exclusively for Paige, Olivia, and Micah.

Statement on Organ Donation

Organ donation is the process by which a person allows an organ of their own to be removed and given to another person.  These can include heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, intestines, bones, bone marrow, skin and corneas.  As a physician, I feel organ donation at the end-of-life is the last gift a person can give to another human being.  For those that receive an organ, it allows them to have improved quality of life and often extended life.  In instances where an organ cannot be given to another person, organs can be used for vital research. The number of people waiting for an organ donation far exceeds the number of registered donors.  I encourage everyone to consider registering as an organ donor. 

Kelly Evans DO

Chief Medical Officer

Grace Health

Obituary for Carrie Marie Shepherd


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