

Tuition and fees in Kentucky for the EKU, Murray State and WKU approved by CPE

FRANKFORT, KY -- At its June meeting, the Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education approved tuition and mandatory fee proposals submitted by Eastern Kentucky University, Murray State University and Western Kentucky University for the 2023-24 academic year.

HIGHER EDUCATION MATTERS 200Tuition ceilings set by the Council limit resident undergraduate tuition at the state’s four-year institutions to no more than a 5% increase over two years, and no more than 3% in any one year. All submitted proposals complied:

  • Eastern Kentucky University, 3%
  • Murray State University, 2.9%
  • Western Kentucky University, 3%

Tuition and fee charges for nonresident, graduate and online students submitted by the three institutions also adhered to the Council’s parameters.

In other action, the Council approved a request to delegate authority to the Finance Committee to approve 2023-24 tuition and fee proposals for Kentucky State University, Morehead State University, Northern Kentucky University, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville and Kentucky Community and Technical College System. The move was made to accommodate schedules of the institutions’ governing boards, who meet later in the summer.

In other business, the Council:

  • Approved two new academic programs:
    • Murray State University, Bachelor of Science in animal equine science.
    • University of Kentucky, Doctor of Philosophy in linguistics.
  • Approved an interim capital project request from the University of Louisville for expansion of their Ekstrom Library.
  • Approved an interstate tuition reciprocity agreement between Kentucky and West Virginia.
  • Approved three interstate tuition reciprocity agreements between Kentucky and Ohio.
  • Approved CPE’s 2023-24 agency budget.
  • Approved delegation of authority to the Council president to approve capital projects funded entirely by insurance proceeds designated to restore university or KCTCS-owned facilities to their previous condition.
  • Approved delegation of authority to the Council’s Executive Committee to approve regulations associated with the Healthcare Workforce Investment Fund.
  • Heard campus updates from staff representing Morehead State University and Kentucky Community and Technical College System.
  • Received reports from CPE President Aaron Thompson, Executive Committee, Academic and Strategic Initiatives Committee, Finance Committee and Committee on Equal Opportunities.
  • Heard CPE staff updates regarding Kentucky State University and legislative efforts.
  • Appointed Dr. CB Akins Sr. to the Committee on Equal Opportunities.
  • Reviewed good news reports submitted by Kentucky’s public and AIKCU campuses.

To access meeting materials and view dates of upcoming meetings, visit the Council’s website.


The Council on Postsecondary Education is leading transformation in our workforce, economy and quality of life by advancing progress in educational attainment across Kentucky. As the state’s higher education coordinating agency, we champion high-quality, inclusive and affordable postsecondary opportunities that prepare students for civic engagement and sustainable careers. That’s why we are undertaking the 60x30 goal, an ambitious effort to raise the percentage of working-age Kentuckians with a postsecondary degree or certificate to 60% by the year 2030. At CPE, we believe that higher education matters – for everyone.


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