
U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY)

McConnell Helps Secure Over $33 Million in Federal Funding for Kentucky's Transportation Infrastructure

This federal funding for Jackson, Lexington, and Bellevue comes from the RAISE Grant Program

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced today the U.S. Department of Transportation will distribute $21,153,600 for a project in Jackson$8,120,000 for a project in Lexington, and $3,774,940 for a project in Bellevue.

These awards – from the RAISE federal grant program – are funded by the 2023 government funding bill and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the bipartisan infrastructure law Senator McConnell shepherd through to passage.

The RAISE grant program supports road, rail, transit, and port projects with significant local and regional impact on their communities. Senator McConnell sent letters of support to the U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary on behalf of these projects.

"When the cities of Jackson, Lexington, and Bellevue asked for my help, I was proud to lend my hand and advocate for their infrastructure needs in Washington," said Senator McConnell. "The health of Kentucky's economy is closely tied to the strength of our bridges, dams, roads, and railways. These federal funds will support much-needed projects across the Commonwealth that will serve Kentuckians for years to come."

The City of Jackson's federal grant will fund the Panbowl Lake Corridor Project, which will make important operational improvements to Panbowl Lake Dam and enhance the safety of roadways on-site. In recent years, devastating flooding in the region has stressed the dam's infrastructure.

"We are extremely excited about this federal funding that will widen and make improvements to an extremely busy section of KY-15 and improve the drainage structures in the Panbowl Lake watershed that was pushed close to its breaking point from flooding in 2021 and 2022. We are incredibly grateful for Senator McConnell's and Congressman Hal Roger's help in securing this grant, and for their support throughout the years," said Jackson Mayor Laura Thomas.

Reconnecting Northland-Arlington will reconstruct and widen a railroad overpass on North Broadway in Lexington, enabling the addition of sidewalks and other roadway improvements along this important corridor. This federal grant will also alleviate flooding that frequently hinders traffic under the railroad overpass and increase its vertical clearance.

"Thank you to Senator McConnell and Congressman Andy Barr for helping us obtain a grant that will allow us to make an enormous improvement on the North Broadway corridor," Lexington Mayor Linda Gorton said. "Rebuilding the railroad overpass will remove barriers, increase mobility, enhance safety, and improve the economic vitality of the area. This is a long-standing problem, and we are delighted to have funding that offers a solution."

The City of Bellevue's RAISE grant will fund the planning and design work necessary to complete the final section of Riverfront Commons, a twenty-mile multi-use path along the banks of the Ohio River. The project will improve pedestrian access and connectivity for Northern Kentucky's river cities.

"This federal funding is very welcome and exciting news to the City of Bellevue. We are thankful for the support of Senator McConnell in securing this grant and advocating for our transportation needs in Washington. Thanks to this grant, Bellevue and our partnering cities can move forward with Riverfront Commons, a twenty-mile multi-use path from Devou Park to Pendery Park along the south bank of the Ohio River," said President and CEO of Southbank Partners, Will Weber.



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