'No, we won't let Democrats take us down a path that embraces the socialist concept of starting to nationalize an industry with people devoted to finding cures and saving lives... The Speaker and her caucus may be content to spend their majority passing left-wing messaging bills. But in this Senate, we take the American people's priorities more seriously and we'll stick to getting their business done.'
WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 24, 2019) – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor regarding House Democrats' socialist agenda:
"The productive, bipartisan work that needs to happen here in the Senate will stand in stark contrast to the choices made by House Democrats across the Capitol. Over there, it seems as though far-left socialist ideology is increasingly becoming mainstream Democratic Party doctrine. And rather than roll up their sleeves and work with Republicans and with the White House on proposals that could actually become law, the House continues to promote one dangerous left-wing policy after another.
"The Senate's already voted on the 'Green New Deal,' Democrats' socialist wishlist that seeks to outlaw affordable energy and transportation, eliminate the jobs many Americans rely on, and even empower government bureaucrats to redesign families' homes. Needless to say, it didn't do well. Here in the real world, outside of the college-campus atmosphere that seems to characterize the House Democrats, the Senate voted it down. I've already discussed the recent House-passed bills that would have cut down on our domestic energy and American energy independence.
"And we all know about 'Medicare For None,' the plan the Democrats' presidential candidates are rushing to embrace, that would literally outlaw the existing health insurance that 180 million Americans currently get on the job and throw everyone into an untested, one-size-fits-all government system. Just last week, Speaker Pelosi expanded on Democrats' Medicare for None philosophy by introducing a bill to micromanage Americans' medicine and start trying to have Washington D.C. run the prescription drug industry. Because if there's anything that's been proven to increase competition and affordability for American families, it's huge new doses of heavy-handed Washington D.C. interference.
"No, we won't let Democrats take us down a path that embraces the socialist concept of starting to nationalize an industry with people devoted to finding cures and saving lives. The life sciences sector is driving the search for cures to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, and countless other diseases that impact millions of American families. The Speaker and her caucus may be content to spend their majority passing left-wing messaging bills. But in this Senate, we take the American people's priorities more seriously and we'll stick to getting their business done."