
Op-Ed: Political Promises Made, Promises Kept.....TRUMP

Dr. James M. Davis


Op-Ed by Dr. James M. Davis

IMAGINE......An American economy that posts near record level monthly JOB GROWTH numbers, historically LOW UNEMPLOYMENT for nearly every demographic group, the creation of thousands and thousands of MANUFACTURING JOBS, and the strongest quarterly and annualized GDP (gross domestic product) figures in a decade;

OP-ED - McConnell: Behold the Democrat Politician Protection Act

Op-Ed by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel

“Democrats won’t come to the table and negotiate to reopen government, but they’ve been hard at work angling for more control over what you can say about them and how they get reelected…From the First Amendment to your ballot box, Democrats want to rewrite the rules to favor themselves and their friends.”


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