
Op-ed: House Bill 72 Protects Kentuckians from High Prices at Pharmacy Counter

OpEd by Marcie Timmerman

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Marcie Timmerman

Nearly two years ago, I was prescribed my first biologic medication to treat my autoimmune disease. Since then, this medication and others have been vital in managing my health. Innovative medicines, sadly, come with a steep price tag.

OpEd: Legislation Shows Kentuckians the Path to Long-term Recovery

OpEd by Ashli Watts and Jennifer Hancock

In communities across Kentucky, substance use disorders have taken a tremendous toll. Every day we are confronted with new data, reports and headlines that remind us of addiction’s staggering ripple effect.

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 President and CEO of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Ashli Watts &  President and CEO of Volunteers of America Mid-States, Jennifer Hancock

Guest OpEd: KY Senate Bill Would Hurt Healthcare Access

OpEd by: John Inman
Director of Advocacy for the Kentucky Primary Care Association

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John Inman

Kentucky’s rural healthcare facilities are in crisis.  Our Commonwealth is ranked as having one of the highest percentage of hospitals at risk of closure in the nation with nearly one-fourth of rural hospitals in Kentucky at risk of closure. The most at-risk of closure are the small, non-profit or public safety-net hospitals.

McConnell Op-Ed: Thanks to the Senate, Voters Will Decide at the Ballot Box

‘As long as I am Majority Leader, I will never let Democrats’ short-term rage inflict permanent damage on our Constitution

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The following op-ed by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was published in today’s Courier Journal:

The USMCA is a Win for Kentucky Workers, Farmers and Consumers

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Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

By Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Kentuckians are rightfully known for being hard workers. I’m glad more of them, from Paducah to Pikeville, are benefitting from our country’s strong economy, which has been bolstered by Republican policies. The Republican-led Senate gave Kentucky workers another boost in an overwhelming vote by passing President Trump’s landmark trade deal called the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). This deal represents a great win for Kentucky workers, farmers and consumers, and I was proud to shepherd the agreement through the Senate.


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